Messiah Merch
22.75" Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit Wood Carved
Color: Wood
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“Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.”
Craftsmanship: Hand carving
Processing method: hand polishing
Material: beech, water-based paint, beeswax
Weight: 3KG
Dimensions: 22.75 inches
The statue of Jesus Christ is carved into a piece of oak wood. Dimensions are 1.5" thick x 10.75" high x 22.75" wide.
Did you notice this symbol in the center of the altar?
It is a "Christogram" or religious symbol of Jesus Christ. JHS (or IHS) originated in Western Europe in the Middle Ages and is the abbreviation of the Latin Jesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus, the Savior of mankind).
As Martin Luther concluded: “We believe in the divine majesty as three distinct persons of one true essence.”
We Christians revel in the fact that God has saved us, and when we set out to explain what that means we cannot avoid speaking of God as Father, Son, and Spirit – that the Father in grace sent his Son on a mission of rescue, that the Son came and accomplished our redemption, and that the Spirit, being sent by the Father and the Son, has drawn us to Christ, uniting us to him so that we may enjoy, in him, all the benefits of his saving work. Indeed, by the Spirit the Triune God himself has come to indwell us, to make us his, and to secure us for himself in love forever. When we are baptized, we are baptized into the name (note the singular) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. When we pray, we pray to the Father in the name of the Son and by the enablement of the Spirit and thereby worship the Triune God. When we sing, we sing praise to the one God who has saved us, and yet when we itemize that saving work we speak distributively of the work of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God [the Father], and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit” (2 Cor. 13:14) are “with us” in joyful realization of the saving work of each, together, for us. We praise the Father for sending his Son; we praise the Son for coming to us in his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and eventual return; we praise the Spirit for shedding abroad in our hearts this wonderful sense of the love of God for us, causing us to know in experience that we are sons of God in Christ; and we praise the Three in One. Clearly, this doctrine is much more than mere abstract truth of isolated significance.
Wooden wall hangings remind us that God is different and that He transcends the boundaries of our limited thinking. We can truly know Him because He has revealed Himself to us. But we cannot fully understand him. Therefore, we learn to humbly worship His greatness and glory. We can revel more fully and joyfully in who He is and what He has done for us.
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